Sunday, December 27, 2009


Anti wrinkle skin care treatments have added advantage if they also help to build healthy skin. Thus, a substance named CoQ10 or Co-enzyme Q10 plays an important role in maintaining a healthy skin and for lasting youthful complexion besides ageLOC skin care products.

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that is already present in every cell of our body. In fact, it is an antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals, which is one of the main causes for premature looked skin.

As we age, the level of CoQ10 in our body gradually depletes. This means the body cells get less efficient and lose their antioxidant power that protects them from aging. You will then find yourself have issues regarding fine lines and sagging skin. Luckily, a skin care product named Celltrex® CoQ10 Complete can help us to producing a significantly anti wrinkle effect.

Besides your skin care treatments and skin care routine, using Celltrex® CoQ10 Complete can promote cellular energy production, allowing your skin to rebound beautifully from daily oxidative stress for a radiant, youthful appearance. It combines CoQ10 with a protective antioxidant network of colorless carotenoids, vitamins C and E for optimal CoQ10 bioactivity results.

Benefits of Using Celltrex® CoQ10 Complete

  • Promotes essential cellular energy production for a radiant, youthful skin appearance.
  • Supplies an exclusive combination of colorless carotenoids and vitamins C and E for a complete antioxidant network of protection against skin-damaging free radicals.
  • Enhances CoQ10 bioactivity for a healthier, more youthful appearance.
  • Provides a daily antidote to the signs of aging by increasing energy levels within the skin.

Key Ingredients of Celltrex® CoQ10 Complete

  • CoQ10: An essential antioxidant naturally found in our cells that functions as a co-enzyme in generating cellular energy (CoQ10 acts only as a free radical fighter if unprotected by an antioxidant network).
  • Colorless carotenoids: Functioning as blotter antioxidants, they absorb a significant number of attacking free radicals. Carotenoids provide direct protection to the cells, enabling other antioxidants such as CoQ10 to perform their critical functions.
  • Vitamins C and E: These two powerful redox (regenerating) antioxidants contribute to cellular health and longevity by helping form a protective antioxidant network so that CoQ10 can perform optimally.

A lot of my friends like this product very much as they can see obvious results at the skin after using for a period of time. They urge me to share about this. In fact, you will find some other brand products that also contain CoQ10. Be wise to choose one as most products do not contain a sufficient amount of CoQ10, due to the high ingredient cost. Find a company that adds the optimum amounts of CoQ10 to their skin care products, despite the costs, such as Celltrex® CoQ10 Complete. You will never regret using it.

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